1. What are the specific applications of Taishan conductive masterbatch in?

                  2020-05-15 1088

                  Many products in daily life require the use of conductive masterbatch plastics, so what specific fields are they applied to? Let's talk about it now!

                  Conductive masterbatch plastic is a functional polymer material that mixes resin and conductive substances and is processed using plastic processing methods. Not only has it developed rapidly in anti-static additives, computer electromagnetic screens, and smart windows, but it also has broad application prospects in fields such as solar cells, mobile phones, micro TV screens, and even life science research.


                  In addition, the combination of conductive masterbatch plastics and nanotechnology will also play a driving role in the rapid development of molecular electronics. In the future, humans can not only greatly improve the computational speed of computers, but also reduce their size. Therefore, some predict that future laptops can be installed in watches.

                  It is generally believed that plastic has poor conductivity, so it is used to make insulation jackets for wires. But Australian researchers have found that when a thin metal film is covered on top of a plastic layer and mixed into the surface of a polymer using an ion beam, a low-cost, high-strength, tough, and conductive plastic film can be generated.

                  Article source: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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